Security and Governance on Microsoft Teams

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With businesses increasingly working from home, more and more organisations are looking to utilise online digital platforms, such as Microsoft Teams. Businesses are now looking to work collaboratively and organise their workload efficiently, digitally. Because of this, it is so important for organisations to make sure their Security and Governance on Microsoft Teams is relevant and up to date.  Microsoft Teams hosts a variety of tools to make sure that your organisation has the best governance capabilities it requires. You need to take control of what users can access in order to make sure secure information is being accessed by the right people at the right levels.

Teams Governance and Access Settings

In order to have air tight security and governance on Microsoft Teams, your organisation may require you to set governance settings and strict controls on how teams are named and classified. Controls may also be restricted on who can add guests and who can create teams. You can configure these settings by using the Azure Active Directory (Azure AD).

Points to consider

  • Does your business require specific naming protocols for teams?
  • Do team creators need the ability to assign business specific classifications to teams?
  • Do you need to limit the power to add guests to teams on a per-team basis?
  • Does your business require restrictions on who can create teams?

Going forward

  • Document your business requirements for team creation, naming, classification, and guest access.
  • Plan to apply these requirements as a part of your Teams roll-out.
  • Communicate and publish your policies to inform Teams users of the powers they can expect to have and behaviors you expect in return.

The Right People in the Right Places

It’s important that the right people have the right permissions and access that they require. This isn’t just so they can carry out their job role to the best of their abilities. This is also to ensure that there is no breach of confidentiality and GDPR compliance. In terms of security, Teams is built on the advanced security and compliance capabilities of M365. It supports auditing and reporting, compliance content, e-discovery, Legal Hold, search and retention policies.

With Microsoft Teams, many organisations may think it is as simple as subscribing to Microsoft Teams and starting there. But to really gauge the full capabilities of Teams and have it set up correctly, it is important to have someone on your side. That knows the software inside out and can set it up to your business requirements. Cutting costs by doing a DIY of Teams may work short term. But its the long term goal you want to be thinking about. Improving your business processes for the future, without the headaches.

Here When You Need Us

At Appetite for Business we are currently harnessing all the benefits Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams has to offer. As a business who works predominately through Microsoft 365, we have the training and capabilities to work from home through Teams as well as continue our scheduled training sessions through online webinars. If this is something you want to put in place for your business, do not hesitate to get in touch.

We believe that all businesses should enjoy using their digital workplace. Harness the full capabilities of your workforce, no matter where you are working from.
